Cos'è il Project 161?

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00sabato 4 agosto 2007 12:21
Cerchiamo di ricostruire la storia...

Tutto sembra essere iniziato allo show di Dayton del 22 Giugno, dove alcuni notarono sugli specchi dei bagni la scritta ABUSED SOCIETY...

Agli ultimi show del 27 e 28 luglio, sono stati trovati dei volantini nell'arena con queste parole:

Nothing Saves
A WORLD Without HONOR Will

In questo sito, che adesso è sparito ma riporta la scritta COMING SOON, si trovava una foto della statua della libertà che sanguina dagli occhi e le parole NOTHING SAVES ripetute diverse volte. A lato di questa pagina c'era una specie di poesia:

littered streets of the lost
the stench of pathetic, resigned to blood and rust
everything wasted
there is no honor
you will soon discover

Cliccando sull'ultima frase si accendeva ad una seconda pagina... in questa c'era la foto di una città in fiamme e le seguenti parole:

one second to know
the city will fall
eyes wide open

Su entrambe le pagine si trovavano le scritte PROJECT 161

A mezzanotte del 31 Luglio il forum ROH è stato invaso da un post dell'utente TheWorldsParasite:














Il profilo di questo utente riportava un contatto AIM (come il nostro MSN)... qualunque messaggio inviato a questo contatto riceveva come risposta il link al sito

L'autore del sito è stato rintracciato... il suo Myspace ha la moglie di Gabe Sapolsky come amico.

Il giorno seguente un'altro utente, Honor 161, ha iniziato a spammare il forum ROH, nominando nei sui post "resilience" e "no remorse".

Il sito poi è stato modificato... una foto distorta di Gabe e moglie presa dal Myspace è stata postata con sopra una scritta:


A questo punto Gabe ha aperto un topic sul forum ROH:

Ok, all this crap ends now. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm in a bad mood because I am. I am trying my best to keep my composure. I just had a long day/night of production on the Japan DVDs. I sign on here, I'm actually feeling pretty good about things because I just watched a lot of great wrestling from our Japan shows. So what do I find:

1) A private email I send to someone requesting that photos and information about my family be taken off a website is now made public. This is my family, not an angle. Understand that. When I send you an email it is private. When I make a request about my family it is real. Lets get that straight right now.

2) The clowns who are attempting to f*** with my life and ROH, which is my life, spam this board again after it takes me two hours the other night to clean it up. Not only that, but other people decide to jump in. I am about to start banning people like crazy so I suggest everyone read the rules and stick to them quickly. My patience is running out. Again, I am trying to keep my composure here, but I have had enough. I now have to go clean up the board again after a long day of production. I suggest if you are in doubt about something you posted that you delete it to yourself. I will ban anyone involved with any posts that are in doubt of breaking any rules. This is a warning. If this doesn't apply to you and you are a productive member of this board I apologize and please ignore this rant.

3) Now we have more people than ever checking this board and it is a disgrace to the company. I want everyone to know that police have been alerted and I will do whatever I can to stop these websites and harrassment both to me personally and my wife. This is your warning. Stop it now.

That is all for now. I'm not playing a sick game here. It is over and I need to go back to doing what deserves my attention and that's making ROH and FIP as good as possible for you.

If this doesn't apply to you sorry for the rant. If it does then take this warning seriously.

In pratica Gabe sta facendo passare tutto questo come una cosa reale e non una storyline...

Ora... tutto questo cosa può significare?

161... il 161° show ROH sarà il PPV di Chicago del 15 Settembre.

Adam Pearce ha fatto uno stranissimo promo al primo PPV, in cui ha elogiato BJ Whitmer per quello che ha fatto per la compagnia e ha rimarcato come nell'ultimo periodo abbia ricevuto solo umiliazioni... Pearce ha concluso il promo dicendo che "presto tutti vedranno ciò di cui è capace" ed è poi andato a consolare BJ.

Pare che Pearce abbia fatto un promo simile anche al secondo PPV su Jimmy Rave...

In conclusione si pensa che questo Project 161 sia una stable composta da Pearce, Hagadorn, Whitmer e Rave.

Lo strano divorzio tra la ROH e Rave complica ulteriormente le cose...

Come già detto, secondo me c'è ben altro dietro... tutto questo lavoro per una stable di midcarder? Mi sembra molto strano...

C'è ancora un mese e mezzo e 4 show da qui al PPV... qualcosa accadrà sicuramente...
00sabato 4 agosto 2007 14:06
Il sito è down per questo motivo:

First of all I want to thank everyone for their concern about the other websites situation. I just want to give you all a quick update and let you know that we have gone through the proper channels and gotten the websites shut down. The calls to my house have also stopped. The prank is over. Now I can get back to writing a big Newswire that I will get up on the site by midnight.

Gabe sul forum ROH...
00sabato 4 agosto 2007 18:09
Altro che storyline sulla morte di McMahon ... [SM=x867863]
00sabato 4 agosto 2007 20:55
Can I get a "This Is Awesome" chant?

Girate un po' col mouse... guardate che appare...

Poi andate nell'angolo in alto a sinistra... cliccate!

00sabato 4 agosto 2007 21:09

A bustling city is like suffocation.

Skyscrapers double as high walls, and if the air pollution doesn’t suck the life from you, they will.

At rush hour, the business suits scatter like vermin. Freed from these prisons, they litter the streets, and not just with Starbucks and McDonalds, but with footsteps and fingerprints.

I pass them and see nothing more than wasted flesh. Maybe they see the same in me, but chances are, they see nothing at all; their eyes unable to discern uniqueness any longer. I pass them and feel the filth of their ignorance layer my skin, like a membrane. I wonder if their water proof, stain-resistant khakis are also bullet proof. I doubt it, and I smirk.

Everyone’s making names for themselves now. Escaping trust fund shadows. Building their own lives and fulfilling their parent’s dreams. American dreams. Nice stuff and modern things coming quick.

Who’s the last one on the board to install heated sidewalks?
What size are your wife’s breast implants?
When’s the last time you forgot your stepson’s name?
Where are your winter homes?
Why should you not kill yourself? There are no good reasons. No one would care for more than a month. Your wife doesn’t love you, she loves your money. Your kids don’t even call you “Dad.” And ask yourself this, would you give a shit if the intern who forgets your coffee at least two times a week blew his head off in the bathroom? And he’d probably care even less if you did. He’d probably even laugh a little.

Their scent is predictable. Every cheap Younkers fragrance that came with the teenage sales girl’s phone number you can imagine amalgamated in a must only comparable to formaldehyde. You know what they say, everyone is dying. I pass them and I hear nothing. If you try hard enough, so much noise can become silence. Cinematically, this is where the bombs go off, but who has the balls for that?

Only the kids whose names you forgot. The kids you raised.

00domenica 5 agosto 2007 11:52
Altro blog oggi...

20 years old, two boys deep, and she’s just married. Late night shifts at the diner pay for her bad habits, and his.

Home is a trailer on the South side of town. There he sits on his Keystone throne, too lazy to give a fuck about giving a fuck.

It’s 2 a.m., and as the little ones have finally fallen asleep on the hardwood floor, he puts his game on pause and he rolls his first joint since dinner. Taking a puff, he sets it down to burn another hole in the recliner, and another hour from the night.

It’s 2:15 now, and she forgot some kid’s bacon. He gave her a hard time. She’s in the cooler now wondering if her sons got snacks before bed. She tries hard to remember the last time she was home to tuck them in. Before she can cry, the microwave goes off—bacon is done.

It’s 3 a.m. His snoring startles him and wakes him up. The boys are resting soundly and he figures he should find some food. The refrigerator is barren, and the cupboards empty. He grabs his keys off the counter and a beer from the pack. He pushes open the screen door and gets on his bike. He starts it up, revs it up, and heads to Wal-Mart for a bag of chips and a candy bar.

It’s 3:02 and she gets shorted for the third time in a week. She looks in her apron—into her tips—to pay for the remainder of the shorted bill. She realizes she doesn’t have the cash for this, and tells her shift manager so. They bicker, he accuses, and she denies. The line is drawn, but she won’t budge. Predictably, she retreats; she hands in her nametag and walks out the front door. She starts her car and heads home to be with her little sleeping angels. Tears flowing now, like blood from bullet holes, she turns onto Highway 915 and speeds off.

It’s 3:10 and the city lights in the distance are getting blurry. He snaps his head for clarity, but his attempts are futile. Sooner, the darkness will envelope his body and his mind once more.

It’s 3:11 and lighting a cigarette has never been so difficult. Her hands and lips trembling, the cigarette falls to the floor. Shit. And she quickly reaches down to pick it up.
His front tire crosses the center line.
Before she lights, she wipes the tears from her eyes.
Before he can shake his head again…
Before she has a second to notice…

The heartbreaking thing, however, is not how people die, but rather, how they live. Middle class America needs a wake up call. And frighteningly enough, tragedies like this occur ever single day. Though notice is quickly taken, it is dismissed even more so. No one feels a thing until they are meant to. No one makes a change until they are taught how. No one knows the truth until they are shown the way.

00lunedì 6 agosto 2007 20:57

I'm standing in the dark corner of everywhere you've ever been. You notice me enough to know I don't fit in, but after that it's just a blur. While you cherish that ignorance, I have gained all that you lose with your lack of awareness.

The light inside you, however unique, is dimmed by the collective mind you embrace. I'd get to know you, but I've met you nine thousand times before. You're coming off the MTV assembly line. You're mind has been sculpted by the white picket fence dream. The world is filled with a product that has met and exceeded demands. That product is you, and your worth crashed when you flooded the market with copies of copies of you.

Individuality is not something you can buy. It's not something you can call yourself when who you are is a poster boy or girl for the status quo. I've seen you marketed on Hot-Topic ads. I've watched you walk the streets in a thousand tailor made variations of the suit you have on. I've had my fill of everyone crammed inside this mold of so called alienation and preach about how they suffer as pariahs and outsiders.

Everyone pretends they want out, but all they do is scurry like insects, trying to find their place within the system. All across the spectrum of conformity people like you jump to fit in.

From this corner in every room, it's all the same. Corporate board meetings or local rock shows, you're all the same. You'll never see me because you can't even see yourself for what you are.

You all want out, but in denying yourself the power to choose for yourself, you went deeper in than ever before. And from here, I try not to boast, but I'm the only outsider you'll ever meet. Knowledge is power and with it you'll find the key that opens all doors.

If you want to see where ignorance leads, look around, it's taking you nowhere. You're going to die as you live, unhappily but blissful.

00martedì 7 agosto 2007 12:56
Il sito è stato aggiornato.

Nella pagina compare un logo "oscurato" della Ring of Honor e, passandoci sopra il mouse, compare una foto di due bambini con delle cinture in mano.

Che siano Jay & Mark Briscoe?

EDIT: A quanto pare, i due bambini sarebbero i figli di Gabe Sapolsky.
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 13:44
Aggiornamento dal blog...

You think we’re all the same because your cult films have provided you with a vocabulary and some insight. Unfortunately for you, millions of ignorant people have watched the same passé movies you have, and most of them have deduced the same propagating bullshit as you.
The reason you talk about reality so certainly is because that ideology is the best excuse you can furnish for your worthless existence. Take a step off the assembly line and into the bathroom. Look at the circles under your eyes and the fat rolls under your neck. Know now that you are not like us. You need us. If it weren’t for us, you’d…well; you’d probably find something else to leech off of.

We are what, and who you want us to be. We are relevant. We are insignificant. We are shadows. We are messengers for the voiceless. We’ll claim any identity you bestow upon us, and then we’ll change your mind by cutting a new, shimmering facet into your dull imagination.

We are threatening and we are scathing. We are black, white, and gray. We are ultraviolet, infrared, and all the shades your little fingers can color us. Paint us sinister. Paint us irrelevant. Or don’t paint us at all.

Write us off. Delete us. Forget we even exist; I dare you. If it’s empty rhetoric you loathe, then maybe this is a little more forward for you:


I’d call it a war, but it’ll be more like an occupation, because there will be no struggle, simply annihilation.

00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 14:08
Stable di 4 persone un accidente!!! Comincio a credere all'ipotesi TNA... [SM=x867874]
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 14:13
If it weren’t for us, you’d…well; you’d probably find something else to leech off of.

Questa frase mi sa di molto importante... Da chi ha copiato la ROH ?

E poi questa cosa dei figli dimenticati... Mi viene in mente solo la Special K.
The Prince Of Parkland
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 14:34
lucabondi, 08/08/2007 14:08:

Stable di 4 persone un accidente!!! Comincio a credere all'ipotesi TNA... [SM=x867874]

Girando col mouse esce August to Boston, MA.... quella è la location del 161esimo show?
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 14:36
Ma anche AJ Joe Daniels e Shelley... se non fosse per loro, la ROH non sarebbe dove e adesso!

Non è totalmente vero... però può essere una possibilità. Tutti loro capitanati da Raven! [SM=x867884]

Ok... spengo la modalità sogno...
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 14:36
Re: Re:
The Prince Of Parkland, 08/08/2007 14.34:

Girando col mouse esce August to Boston, MA.... quella è la location del 161esimo show?

Chicago il 15 settembre [SM=x867861]

The Prince Of Parkland
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 15:01
lucabondi, 08/08/2007 14:36:

Ma anche AJ Joe Daniels e Shelley... se non fosse per loro, la ROH non sarebbe dove e adesso!

Non è totalmente vero... però può essere una possibilità. Tutti loro capitanati da Raven! [SM=x867884]

Ok... spengo la modalità sogno...

Azzarola, sarebbe un sogno davvero... Però pensi davvero che la TNA li lasci passare così (anche se la ROH fa solo show mensili)?
Flying TT
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 15:02
Re: Re:
The Prince Of Parkland, 08/08/2007 15.01:

Azzarola, sarebbe un sogno davvero... Però pensi davvero che la TNA li lasci passare così (anche se la ROH fa solo show mensili)?

La ROH non fa Show Mensili. [SM=x867866]
The Prince Of Parkland
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 15:19
Re: Re: Re:
Flying TT, 08/08/2007 15:02:

La ROH non fa Show Mensili. [SM=x867866]

20 giorni alcune volte..... un mese ce ne sono due.... altri nessuno.... [SM=x867865]
Flying TT
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 15:41
Re: Re: Re: Re:
The Prince Of Parkland, 08/08/2007 15.19:

20 giorni alcune volte..... un mese ce ne sono due.... altri nessuno.... [SM=x867865]

Domanda: perchè parli se non sai?
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 15:44
Re: Re: Re: Re:
The Prince Of Parkland, 08/08/2007 15.19:

20 giorni alcune volte..... un mese ce ne sono due.... altri nessuno.... [SM=x867865]

Ti riporto il calendario della ROH relativo al 2006...

ROH090 14-jan-06 Hell Freezes Over (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH091 27-jan-06 Tag Wars (Dayton, OH)
ROH092 28-jan-06 Dissension (Cleveland, OH)
ROH093 11-feb-06 Unscripted II (Lake Grove, NY)
ROH094 25-feb-06 Fourth Anniversary Show (Edison, NJ)
ROH095 11-mar-06 Arena Warfare (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH096 26-mar-06 Best in the World (New York, NY)
ROH097 30-mar-06 Dragon Gate Challenge (Detroit, MI)
ROH098 31-mar-06 Supercard of Honor (Chicago Ridge, IL
ROH109 01-apr-06 Better Than Our Best (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH100 22-apr-06 The 100th Show (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH101 28-apr-06 Weekend of Champions: Night 1 (Dayton, OH)
ROH102 29-apr-06 Weekend of Champions: Night 2 (Cleveland, OH)
ROH103 12-maj-06 How We Roll (Lake Grove, NY)
ROH104 13-maj-06 Ring of Homicide (Edison, NJ)
ROH105 03-jun-06 Destiny (East Windsor, CT)
ROH106 17-jun-06 In Your Face (Manhattan, NY)
ROH107 23-jun-06 Throwdown (Detroit, MI)
ROH108 24-jun-06 Chi-Town Struggle (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH109 15-jul-06 Death Before Dishonor IV (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH110 28-jul-06 War Of The Wire II (Dayton, OH)
ROH111 29-jul-06 Generation Now (Cleveland, OH)
ROH112 04-aug-06 Time To Man Up (Lake Grove, NY)
ROH113 05-aug-06 Fight Of The Century (Edidosn, NY)
ROH114 12-aug-06 Unified (Liverpool, England)
ROH115 13-aug-06 Anarchy In The UK (Broxbourne, England)
ROH116 25-aug-06 The Epic Encounter II (St.Paul, MN)
ROH117 26-aug-06 Gut Check (Chicago Ridg, IL)
ROH118 15-sep-06 Glory By Honor V: Night 1 (East Windsor, CT)
ROH119 16-sep-06 Glory By Honor V: Night 2 (Manhattan, NY)
ROH120 06-okt-06 Survival Of The Fittest 2006 (Cleveland, OH)
ROH121 07-okt-06 Motor City Madness (Detroit, MI)
ROH122 27-okt-06 Suffocation (Dayton, OH)
ROH123 28-okt-06 Irresistible Forces (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH124 03-nov-06 Honor Reclaims Boston (Braintree, MA)
ROH125 04-nov-06 The Bitter End (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH126 24-nov-06 Black Friday Fallout (Lake Grove, NY)
ROH127 25-nov-06 Dethroned (Edison, NJ)
ROH128 08-dec-06 The Chicago Spectacular: Night 1 (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH129 09-dec-06 The Chicago Spectacular: Night 2 (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH130 22-dec-06 International Challenge (Hartford, CT)
ROH131 23-dec-06 Final Battle (Manhattan, NY)

E quello di quest'anno.

Fai due conti
Flying TT
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 15:47
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Lord9600XT, 08/08/2007 15.44:

Ti riporto il calendario della ROH relativo al 2006...

E quello di quest'anno.

Fai due conti

Ma perchè ti sprechi pure a dar retta...
The Prince Of Parkland
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 15:48
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Lord9600XT, 08/08/2007 15:44:

Ti riporto il calendario della ROH relativo al 2006...

ROH090 14-jan-06 Hell Freezes Over (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH091 27-jan-06 Tag Wars (Dayton, OH)
ROH092 28-jan-06 Dissension (Cleveland, OH)
ROH093 11-feb-06 Unscripted II (Lake Grove, NY)
ROH094 25-feb-06 Fourth Anniversary Show (Edison, NJ)
ROH095 11-mar-06 Arena Warfare (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH096 26-mar-06 Best in the World (New York, NY)
ROH097 30-mar-06 Dragon Gate Challenge (Detroit, MI)
ROH098 31-mar-06 Supercard of Honor (Chicago Ridge, IL
ROH109 01-apr-06 Better Than Our Best (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH100 22-apr-06 The 100th Show (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH101 28-apr-06 Weekend of Champions: Night 1 (Dayton, OH)
ROH102 29-apr-06 Weekend of Champions: Night 2 (Cleveland, OH)
ROH103 12-maj-06 How We Roll (Lake Grove, NY)
ROH104 13-maj-06 Ring of Homicide (Edison, NJ)
ROH105 03-jun-06 Destiny (East Windsor, CT)
ROH106 17-jun-06 In Your Face (Manhattan, NY)
ROH107 23-jun-06 Throwdown (Detroit, MI)
ROH108 24-jun-06 Chi-Town Struggle (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH109 15-jul-06 Death Before Dishonor IV (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH110 28-jul-06 War Of The Wire II (Dayton, OH)
ROH111 29-jul-06 Generation Now (Cleveland, OH)
ROH112 04-aug-06 Time To Man Up (Lake Grove, NY)
ROH113 05-aug-06 Fight Of The Century (Edidosn, NY)
ROH114 12-aug-06 Unified (Liverpool, England)
ROH115 13-aug-06 Anarchy In The UK (Broxbourne, England)
ROH116 25-aug-06 The Epic Encounter II (St.Paul, MN)
ROH117 26-aug-06 Gut Check (Chicago Ridg, IL)
ROH118 15-sep-06 Glory By Honor V: Night 1 (East Windsor, CT)
ROH119 16-sep-06 Glory By Honor V: Night 2 (Manhattan, NY)
ROH120 06-okt-06 Survival Of The Fittest 2006 (Cleveland, OH)
ROH121 07-okt-06 Motor City Madness (Detroit, MI)
ROH122 27-okt-06 Suffocation (Dayton, OH)
ROH123 28-okt-06 Irresistible Forces (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH124 03-nov-06 Honor Reclaims Boston (Braintree, MA)
ROH125 04-nov-06 The Bitter End (Philadelphia, PA)
ROH126 24-nov-06 Black Friday Fallout (Lake Grove, NY)
ROH127 25-nov-06 Dethroned (Edison, NJ)
ROH128 08-dec-06 The Chicago Spectacular: Night 1 (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH129 09-dec-06 The Chicago Spectacular: Night 2 (Chicago Ridge, IL)
ROH130 22-dec-06 International Challenge (Hartford, CT)
ROH131 23-dec-06 Final Battle (Manhattan, NY)

E quello di quest'anno.

Fai due conti

E fu così che io uscii dalla zona indy promotions con la coda fra le gambe, abbattuto per la figura di merda
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 15:57
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Flying TT, 08/08/2007 15.47:

Ma perchè ti sprechi pure a dar retta...

Vabbè, la lista degli show 2006 ce l'avevo sotto mano... [SM=x867867]
00mercoledì 8 agosto 2007 17:31
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Lord9600XT, 08/08/2007 15.57:

Vabbè, la lista degli show 2006 ce l'avevo sotto mano... [SM=x867867]

Chissà dove l'hai trovata... [SM=x867869]

Ma ora per favore non andiamo troppo OT... [SM=x867838]
00giovedì 9 agosto 2007 14:16
Se veramente fosse il ritorno degli atleti TNA (e l'ipotesi Christopher Daniels non so perchè ma tra tutte quelle che ho letto in giro mi sembra una delle più attendibili) si potrebbe pensare che tutti i dissapori tra TNA e ROH erano solo un'enorme storyline?
Ovviamente mi sembra impossibile ma se così fosse sarebbero veramente una massa di GENI.
Sta cosa mi sta facendo pensare anche a teorie impossibili, la stanno sviluppando troppo bene. [SM=x867821]
00lunedì 13 agosto 2007 02:00

The game is hide and seek.

We hide. You seek.

Every once in a while we give you a clue; we drop hints to guide you along the way. Maybe, we rustle in the bushes. Or, we leave footprints in the mud. Or, maybe we turn off your lighting system and lend you some words of wisdom. So what, you’ve heard it before? You can’t hear it enough. You’ll replay it over and over and over in your brain, trying to decipher something hidden—a key to unlocking it all. And maybe that key is there. Or maybe you’re just full of shit.

Now, I’ll make two guarantees—these are promises, you have my word. And why trust the man with no face? That’s for you to figure out.

Promise 1) there is more to come.
Promise 2) it only gets better from here.

Additionally, the non-believers will soon have no choice. This is as real as it gets. We are anything but a joke. Tonight, you were all witnesses. We have people in every city, in every dark corner, on every side street who are ready to soldier on. The cause is deeper than you can imagine. And when the time arrives to strike rich the crimson gold of reformation, you can be certain it will have been worth any amount of waiting.

Come join the united front. From ghosts to heroes; we’ll save your life.

00martedì 14 agosto 2007 13:54

It seems as though there is an aura of disappointment surrounding last weekend’s events. I ask you, what’s new? When was the last time Ring of Honor gave you your money’s worth? Come on guys! When was the last time you went home from an ROH show, got on your little computers, and didn’t have a single thing to complain about? Oh wait, I know the answer…NEVER.

You nerds, who sit at your PCs, continually clicking the refresh button so as to promptly respond to any reply that doesn’t agree with your high, mighty, and all-knowing opinion of the way pro wrestling should be, will always find something grumble about. You are the same gullible kids who thought you would uncover the secret of Project 161 with a simple series of clicks. You are the same kids who thought you traced everything back to Ring of Honor promoter Gabe Sapolsky by doing your best lazy Sherlock Holmes impersonation. Is there any question why we have chosen this medium to take on this ride? Fooling you is almost as easy as it was for us to infiltrate your ranks during Death Before Dishonor Weekend.

Know this; we are always there, we always will be, and we’ll always a step ahead. Always. We know how you think. Shit, we practically guide you through the maze, as if you were a blind man. You expect a major development, and we do what we want—we spread the word. Hold your patience. Soon enough kiddies, every man, woman and child associated with Ring of Honor and pro wrestling will know our name; they will know our cause; and they will have a decision to make.

Are you with us? Or, are you against us? The only gray will be the storm clouds approaching. Everything else is black and white.

Hartford and Manhattan: be on your toes. Because if you are not, we’ll knock you off your feet.

La stanno portando avanti da Dio!!! [SM=x867837]
-Angle Kurt-
00martedì 14 agosto 2007 20:26
Grazie per il Recap, interessantissima Storia, intrecciatissima
Alexander Magno
00mercoledì 15 agosto 2007 19:29
Scusate, qualcuno potrebbe spiegarmi qualcosa che non ci sto capendo nulla? [SM=x867821]
00giovedì 16 agosto 2007 02:14
Alexander Magno, 15/08/2007 19.29:

Scusate, qualcuno potrebbe spiegarmi qualcosa che non ci sto capendo nulla? [SM=x867821]

Credo che in questo topic ci sia tutto quello che si sa fino ad adesso...

-Da Notorious 187-
00giovedì 16 agosto 2007 23:09
La faccenda si fa sempre più interessante,
e la coltre di nebbia che cela il tutto non fa altro che creare più attesa attorno al progetto.
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